5 Things that Make Rucksack Unique

Have you ever come across a game that – on the surface – looked identical to yours? As you might imagine, our anxiety jumped a little bit the first time that happened to us. The last thing we want to do is make a heartless rip off!

Random Name Generator

Having trouble coming up with unique names for your games or stories? Try this random name generator!

Kickstats: Go Big or Go Humble?

As a first-time creator on Kickstarter, should you start small as you learn the ropes or go all-in with that awesome project you’ve been dying to release?

Hex Board Generator

Make printable hex boards quickly with this Excel-based hex board generator!

Kickstats: The Biggest Factor

You want your Kickstarter campaign to succeed, so let’s start off with the biggest factor that affects success.

Kickstats: Introduction

Introducing a blog series dedicated to answering data-centric questions about what affects the average Kickstarter’s success.

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